The Conservative Monster.com
I am building a new site, due to the fact that the liberal fascists at You Tube banned me. I guess 400,000 hits last month was seen as a threat to the PROGRESSIVE SCUM.
Like I have been warning for the longest time, we are in the final days of free speech. For the past 8 years the left wing garbage in this country were allowed to pollute You Tube 24 hours a day with lies about Bush and the troops.
The Obama regime owns NBC and now they own Google and You Tube. Hitler and Stalin would be very proud of you BARRY.
I am getting mail from MANY You Tubers and they are very pissed that I was banned.
Would You Tube ever do this to a Muslim or Gay Rights activist? NO, they would not, because they are cowards.
It seems to be that once again CONSERVATIVE speech is being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST?
So cnintruth.com and cnintruth.org will eventually be pointing to a new blog, once I figure out how to get it rolling.
Please read through the archives that I have on this blog also, I do not plan on closing it...