Friday, January 2, 2009

Former Soviet Advisor - "USA & Russia Will go to War in Less Than 5 Years

Leonid Kagansky, senior adviser for European affairs to deceased Soviet tyrant Leonid Brezhnev, was quoted as saying: "The USA will be at war with Russia within five years." Kagansky, who lives in retirement in Israel, "believed the US will be drawn into a battle for control over these former communist countries." In the 17 years since Eastern European communism "collapsed," the Soviet strategists have not been idle in portraying America as the world's most dangerous "terrorist state."

Putin Speech to the FSB/KGB..............

The latest growlings from Russia's KGB-communist dictator, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, prove this point. On December 20, which is Chekist Day in Russia, Putin addressed a meeting of top security and intelligence officials. At this time he warned his colleagues in the Federal Security Service (FSB) that unnamed foreign enemies were still seeking to "destabilize" Russia, a theme that Putin raised at least four years ago after the FSB's provocation in Beslan, North Ossetia:

Any attempts to weaken or destabilise Russia, damage the country's interests and its citizens will be toughly suppressed. We are counting on your efforts to preempt the very possibility of carrying out terror acts in Russia, as well as on your active work in other priority directions too. These are countermeasures against corruption, organised crime, fighting narcotics aggression against the country's citizens. And also protection of economic security.

The primary unnamed enemy of Russia, of course, is the USA, which is perceived as the aggressor in view of Washington's new strategic parternships with "former" Soviet republics Ukraine and Georgia.

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