Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rev Manning on Obama's Birth Certificate

I LOVE THIS GUY..........and this is more proof that it is not about race, it is about TREASON. It is about undermining the CONSTITUTION.....

1 comment:

  1. TAKE ACTION and DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION! Stop The Fraud by Obama!

    The Donofrio v Wells Case Regarding Obama Birth Certificate Question Will Be Discussed In Conference By The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday, Dec. 5. If 4 of 9 Justices want a full hearing, then oral arguments may be heard. Read: "The Great Birth Certificate Scandal-Cover-Up of the 2008 Election" by Joan Swirsky

    If Obama gets into office without verification that he has met the requirements of the U.S. Constitution, if you care about life, liberty or the family, you're going to have to make hundreds of calls to try and fight an agenda that seeks to silence you.
    There is a way to help prevent this. Our founders sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. I'm asking you to do three things.

    Fast and pray for all the hidden things to come to light.

    Call the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee – in their district offices while they're home this week for Thanksgiving. Ask them to "Please hold congressional hearings to investigate whether Barack Obama meets the basic constitutional requirements for the highest office of the land." Link For Contact Info: http://www.f2a.org/NewsStory.cfm?Story_ID=2545

    Write a letter to the nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court and put them in a FedEx (or other overnight) envelope to: U.S. Supreme Court
    See Justice Names and Sample Letters at this site: http://libertynjustice.wordpress.com/2008/11/14/write-to-us-supreme-court-justices-regarding-obama-birth-certificate-etc

    Contact your members of Congress automatically via email at this easy to use site: http://www.rallycongress.com/constitutional-qualification/1244/


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